Utilities ========= Physical units ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gerbonara tracks length units using the :py:class:`.LengthUnit` class. :py:class:`.LengthUnit` contains a number of conventient conversion functions. Everywhere where Gerbonara accepts units as a method argument, it automatically converts a string ``'mm'`` or ``'inch'`` to the corresponding :py:class:`.LengthUnit`. .. autoclass:: gerbonara.utils.LengthUnit :members: Format settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When reading or writing Gerber or Excellon, Gerbonara stores information about file format options such as zero suppression or number of decimal places in a :py:class:`.FileSettings` instance. When you are writing a Gerber file, Gerbonara picks reasonable defaults, but allows you to specify your own :py:class:`.FileSettings` to override these defaults. .. autoclass:: gerbonara.cam.FileSettings :members: