Graphic Primitives

Graphic prmitives are the core of Gerbonara’s rendering interface. Individual graphic objects such as a Gerber Region as well as entire layers such as a GerberFile can be rendered into a list of graphic primitives. This rendering step resolves aperture definitions, calculates out aperture macros, converts units into a given target unit, and maps complex shapes to a small number of subclasses of GraphicPrimitive.

All graphic primitives have a polarity_dark attribute. Its meaning is identical with GraphicObject.polarity_dark.

class gerbonara.graphic_primitives.GraphicPrimitive

Return the axis-aligned bounding box of this feature.


((min_x, min_Y), (max_x, max_y))

Return type:


to_svg(fg='black', bg='white', tag=<class 'gerbonara.utils.Tag'>)

Render this primitive into its SVG representation.

  • fg (str) – Foreground color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • bg (str) – Background color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • tag (function) – Tag constructor to use.

Return type:


The five types of Graphic Primitives

Stroked lines

class gerbonara.graphic_primitives.Line(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, width: float, polarity_dark: bool = True)

Straight line with round end caps.


Return the axis-aligned bounding box of this feature.


((min_x, min_Y), (max_x, max_y))

Return type:


classmethod from_obround(x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, rotation: float = 0, polarity_dark: bool = True)

Convert a gerber obround into a Line.

to_svg(fg='black', bg='white', tag=<class 'gerbonara.utils.Tag'>)

Render this primitive into its SVG representation.

  • fg (str) – Foreground color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • bg (str) – Background color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • tag (function) – Tag constructor to use.

Return type:


width: float

Line width

x1: float

Start X coordinate. As usual in modern graphics APIs, this is at the center of the half-circle capping off this line.

x2: float

End X coordinate

y1: float

Start Y coordinate

y2: float

End Y coordinate

class gerbonara.graphic_primitives.Arc(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, cx: float, cy: float, clockwise: bool, width: float, polarity_dark: bool = True)

Circular arc with line width width going from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) around center at (cx, cy).


Return the axis-aligned bounding box of this feature.


((min_x, min_Y), (max_x, max_y))

Return type:


to_svg(fg='black', bg='white', tag=<class 'gerbonara.utils.Tag'>)

Render this primitive into its SVG representation.

  • fg (str) – Foreground color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • bg (str) – Background color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • tag (function) – Tag constructor to use.

Return type:


clockwise: bool

True if this arc is clockwise from start to end. Selects between the large arc and the small arc given this start, end and center

cx: float

Center X coordinate (absolute)

cy: float

Center Y coordinate (absolute)

width: float

Line width of this arc.

x1: float

Start X coodinate

x2: float

End X coodinate

y1: float

Start Y coodinate

y2: float

End Y coodinate

Filled shapes

class gerbonara.graphic_primitives.Circle(x: float, y: float, r: float, polarity_dark: bool = True)

Return the axis-aligned bounding box of this feature.


((min_x, min_Y), (max_x, max_y))

Return type:


to_svg(fg='black', bg='white', tag=<class 'gerbonara.utils.Tag'>)

Render this primitive into its SVG representation.

  • fg (str) – Foreground color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • bg (str) – Background color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • tag (function) – Tag constructor to use.

Return type:


r: float

Radius, not diameter like in apertures.CircleAperture

x: float

Center X coordinate

y: float

Center y coordinate

class gerbonara.graphic_primitives.Rectangle(x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, rotation: float, polarity_dark: bool = True)

Return the axis-aligned bounding box of this feature.


((min_x, min_Y), (max_x, max_y))

Return type:


to_svg(fg='black', bg='white', tag=<class 'gerbonara.utils.Tag'>)

Render this primitive into its SVG representation.

  • fg (str) – Foreground color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • bg (str) – Background color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • tag (function) – Tag constructor to use.

Return type:


h: float


rotation: float

rotation around center in radians

w: float


x: float

Center X coordinate

y: float

Center Y coordinate

class gerbonara.graphic_primitives.ArcPoly(outline: list, arc_centers: list = <factory>, polarity_dark: bool = True)

Polygon whose sides may be either straight lines or circular arcs.


Return the axis-aligned bounding box of this feature.


((min_x, min_Y), (max_x, max_y))

Return type:


classmethod from_regular_polygon(x: float, y: float, r: float, n: int, rotation: float = 0, polarity_dark: bool = True)

Convert an n-sided gerber polygon to a normal ArcPoly defined by outline

to_svg(fg='black', bg='white', tag=<class 'gerbonara.utils.Tag'>)

Render this primitive into its SVG representation.

  • fg (str) – Foreground color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • bg (str) – Background color. Must be an SVG color name.

  • tag (function) – Tag constructor to use.

Return type:


arc_centers: list

Must be either None (all segments are straight lines) or same length as outline. Straight line segments have None entry. Arc segments have (clockwise, (cx, cy)) tuple with cx, cy being absolute coords.

outline: list

list of (x : float, y : float) tuples. Describes closed outline, i.e. the first and last point are considered connected.

property segments

Return an iterator through all segments of this polygon. For each outline segment (line or arc), this iterator will yield a (p1, p2, (clockwise, center)) tuple. If the segment is a straight line, clockwise will be None.